from £1500
Exclusive use of the house & grounds from £1500
Add refreshments & lunch from £30 per person
Exclusive use of the house & grounds from £1500
Add refreshments & lunch from £30 per person
Coach House from £1500 per night
• Sleeps up to 16 adults
Lodges from £375 per night
• Sleep up to 8 adults
Food, Beverage & Stationary packages available to add on
From a high-powered board room strategy meeting or conference for the entire company to an inspiring incentive event or, perhaps, a corporate seminar, at glenbervie house we deliver extraordinary experiences that exceed the expectations of both our clients and their guests – with rooms that are dressed to impress, creative catering, the latest technology and unrivalled levels of service.
• Exclusive use corporate events from £30 per person.
• Facility Fee from £1000
• Overnight accommodation available from £150